Monday, September 6, 2010


I love it here. I mean, I really love it. Today I met with Şerofettin (my liason/afs guide) and the other AFS-Turkey semester students to go over some orientation we missed due to our delayed travels. It was pretty funny, he taught us some swear words (Şero, I hope you’re reading this ;) haha) but yeah, it was good. Then after my sisters and the other AFS students (Victor & Slyvan) and their host siblings went to the Trabzon city centre for pizza! Everyone knows my love for tuna fish…well, they make pizza here with tuna! Yeah, my dreams came true haha. It was SO good! I also enjoyed my orange fanta :) My sisters tried to have me order the pizza myself, and, well, hah, that was interesting. Turkish is sooooooooo hard, but I will have language class everyday for three hours so I should get much better. After lunch we went “shopping”. Let’s just say I love all the stores/clothing. It’s going to be hard trying to save my money here…I want everything! It was really great and we went to my host father’s cosmetics shop and then his new restaurant across the street! I was so amazed. We will go back again I think sometime soon which will be nice because now I have lots of Turkish Lira :) After that we took the dolmuş (small little bus that is basically a taxi but for multiple people) back to our home, except we accidently got on the wrong one hehe. So we ended up walking for a bit, but that was okay because I love the city! We ate dinner again at my host father’s restaurant and then went for a walk. At the playground we swung on these cool swing thingys and talked a lot! I love my sisters!!! I’m so glad they know English too or else I’d be in big trouble ;) okay well...güle güle!

Awww Slyvan! 

Pizza..with Tuna! :)
She is so cute! ecesu - çok tatlı :)

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