I just returned from my tour in Cappadocia, and it was absolutely amazing. Although everyone on the tour was Turkish, and spoke only Turkish (except for my host family), I was the interesting "American" haha. We all had to introduce ourselves since we would be getting very close over the course of the trip. I was able to introduce myself in Turkish, which was funny! But yeah, it was a good start to a 12 hour bus ride to Ankara. We visited many different sites, all with historical value or religious meaning. It was really interesting and beautiful, the countryside was breathtaking. Despite how much I wanted to sleep, I couldn't stop looking out the window. Once we arrived in Cappadocia, I was beyond amazed! People lived in the caves and had schools, churches, dining rooms, living quarters, etc. It was weird to think those people did that. We also visited the underground city which was really cool. Although the tour was entirely in Turkish, and they all kept cracking jokes because I couldn't understand anything, one of my tour guides knew some English and was able to translate some things for me! My sisters also helped too which I was very grateful for :) I got to see how turkish carpets are made, dishware, jewlery, and so forth. On the last night we went to "Turkish Night" which was a bunch of cultural dancing such as Whirling Dervishes, Folk Dance - Horon, etc. A bellydancer, haha, and various other things. It was soooooooo fun to watch!! At the end, everyone went out on the dance floor, including myself, and had a dance party to some sweet tunes. It was awesome, really. Then we continued the dancing on the bus and stopped on the side of the road and began to dance. I danced Kolbasti and that was really fun :) They also made me sing for them on the bus, and at the end of the trip when we said what we enjoyed, I spoke in English while my sister translated. Apparently they all "loved" me and I was really glad to have left a good "American" impression, especially since the USA beat Turkey in the basketball world cup that same night (it's a big deal here) :P So much happened and I wish I could explain more, but I would be talking forever. I guess I can just say that everyone should come to Turkey. Period.
turkiye rocks...literally |
i love my sisters! |
countryside |
turkish, english, german, spanish, french, and japanese! |
turkish night! |
Sounds like you had a great trip! Wonderful pictures too!!